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Here's what you need to know when applying for BIS registration in India

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Dhrub Thakur Head of Legal & HR
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Before you start importing or producing your product in India, it is wise to check whether you need a mandatory BIS registration. This is a certification from the Indian government to guarantee the quality of specific products. There are registration options for around 900 products, but for more than 300 products, BIS registration is actually mandatory. For example, food, household electrical products, chemicals, cement and steel.

In this article, we will explain what a BIS registration exactly is and how you can apply for it.

Bis registratie voor buitenlandse bedrijven

What does BIS stand for?

The ‘BIS’ in BIS certification stands for Bureau of Indian Standards, which is the national certification body of India. The agency was established in 1986 with the objectives of:

  • providing consumers with safe goods of reliable quality
  • minimizing health risks to consumers
  • safety of humans, plants and animals
  • safety of the environment
  • prevention of misleading trade practices
  • promotion of a quality culture through the application of good manufacturing practices
  • training the industry in various aspects of standardization and testing
  • promotion of exports and encouragement of import substitution
  • controlling the propagation of plant varieties
  • minimizing wastage

The BIS Product Certification System is one of the largest in the world, with over 26,500 licensees for over 900 products. BIS certification enables licensees to use the popular ISI quality mark on their product, which is synonymous with a quality product in India. Within the BIS Product Certification System, there are four different ways or ‘schemes’ by which manufacturers can apply for registration depending on their product.

The four different ‘BIS Certification Schemes’

1. The normal procedure for domestic manufacturers

The applicant must submit the BIS certification application with the required documents and the required fee. After submission of the application, a preliminary factory assessment is carried out by a BIS officer. Samples are then tested at the factory and samples are also taken for independent testing at an external laboratory. The BIS certification is granted if the samples meet the standards. Under this method, it is expected that the BIS certification will be granted within 4 months of submission of the application.

2. Simplified procedure for domestic manufacturers

Under the simplified procedure, in addition to the necessary documentation for BIS registration, the applicant must also attach a test report of a sample by a BIS-approved laboratory. If the test report is satisfactory, a factory site inspection is carried out by a BIS officer. BIS certification is granted if the verification of the BIS officer is satisfactory. Under this method, the license is expected to be granted within 30 days of submission of the BIS certification application with the required documents and test report.

3. ECO Mark Scheme

BIS license for environmentally friendly products is granted under a scheme that is separate from the normal BIS certification process. Environmentally friendly products must meet additional requirements to qualify for the ECO mark. However, the procedure for granting the license is similar to that of the scheme for domestic manufacturers.

4. Foreign Manufacturers’ Certification Scheme (FMCS)

Foreign manufacturers must apply for their BIS registration, if required, through the FMCS. It is also possible to obtain the registration as a foreign manufacturer if it is not required for your product.

Applying for BIS registration through the Foreign Manufacturers’ Certification Scheme (FMCS)

For over 300 products, ranging from air conditioners to aluminum foil, foreign manufacturers are required to apply for BIS certification. In addition, there are 49 non-standard electronic & IT products that require mandatory registration, as the application for this certification does not go through the FMCS. More information on this specific application can be found here .

To obtain BIS registration, you first need to apply to BIS and pay the application fee for registration. Please note that a separate application is required for each product. BIS registration can be done by two entities:

  • Your Indian liaison or branch (as long as it has all the rights from the Reserve Bank of India to apply)
  • A legally appointed agent in India

It is highly recommended to opt for the second option. The process starts with a lot of paperwork in which you have to demonstrate how the quality of the product is ensured. The production processes need to be explained in writing, from the procurement of raw materials to the methods by which the final product is tested. Only a local expert with specific experience in applying for BIS certification for international companies will understand how everything needs to be documented and submitted. If you place this task with your local entity and they take on this task without any experience, you will certainly experience a delay of several months.

Once your representative has submitted everything, your application will be examined by the BIS. If it is found to be complete, your application will be officially registered. A visit to your production facility will then be scheduled with your Indian representative. The costs for this visit will be borne by you and include the working days, travel and accommodation expenses and the daily allowance of the BIS employee. During the visit, the inspector will check the following:

  • Whether your production process and your testing facilities meet Indian standards
  • The competence of your permanent testing staff
  • Whether samples of your product meet the requirements of the Indian standard.
  • The BIS inspector will not only carry out on-site tests, but will also take samples that you must have tested by an external laboratory in India that is recognised by the BIS. The costs for these tests will also be borne by you.

If the BIS considers the results of the inspection to be sufficient and the independently tested samples also meet the Indian standard, you will receive your BIS registration. Your representative will then have to sign the terms of the BIS agreement. This means that you are willing to comply with the Scheme of Testing and Inspection (STI) and pay the annual minimum marking fee and the license fee.

Minimum marking fee and license fee

You will have to pay the annual minimum marking fee (which will depend on your product) and the license fee (₹1000) once the BIS registration is granted. Thereafter, you can pay the marking fee either quarterly or annually. A BIS license is normally granted for one year, but for most products, there are renewal options of up to 5 years.

The renewal process is much easier than the initial BIS registration as it does not require a visit to your facility. When applying for an extension, you must submit the following documents:

  • Extension form
  • Production details of the ISI marked products
  • Extended bank guarantee (six months beyond the validity of the permit)
  • Proof of payment of the marking fees

No Objection Certificate

It sometimes happens that the code of your product indicates to customs that a BIS registration is required, but this is not the case. In addition, it often happens that customs confuse products that are “similar” to your product and fall under the “mandatory certification”. Your product is then held by the authorities, which leads to considerable delays, and you can be fined yourself.

To prevent this, a special “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) can be requested from the BIS, which proves that the material does not fall under the “mandatory certification”. BIS checks on a case-by-case basis on the basis of test reports, product specifications, declarations and other evidence whether a NOC is applicable. However, the compensation for this certificate is limited. It takes about two months to get a NOC. A NOC is issued for each import of the same product and must be presented with the shipping documents.

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